Spring Carrot...From a Witch Hat?

 Featured on Home BNC - #24 - Be sure to check it out!

Did you know you could turn a Witch Hat into a carrot for Spring?  I'm here to show you how.
Last Fall I bought an extra witch hat metal frame at the dollar store.  I'm sure you saw them there.
I snipped the wire at the arrows, bent the brim parts down, and flipped the hat around.
Can you see where this is going?

I added some masking tape for reinforcement and placed the wire frame on the back of some fabric.

The fabric was attached with hot glue.
....and the frame was turned over.
Time to add the carrot top!  I found this 'spring bush' on sale for about $3.
It was cut apart and the pieces were tucked into the wire frame on the back.
A few dabs of hot glue were added to hold them in place.
The last thing it needed was a bow, so, out came some burlap ribbon and a piece of the carrot fabric to dress it up.

Attached and done!
Can I call this an upcycle?

Upcycle or not, next Fall when you see the witch hat frames in the dollar store, grab an extra to make a carrot the following Spring!

There is also a Witch Hat made from this frame.  
For Summer, there's an Ice Cream Cone.
Stop by to see it!

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  1. I love this! So easy! Thanks for sharing at My Big Fat Menopausal Life's Share the Wealth party. Have a wonderful week!! And happy Spring!

  2. What a great idea and simple enough that I could make it!

  3. Well aren't you clever, Ann! Such a cute idea for a spring carrot wreath. Happy Spring!

  4. This is a wonderful example of creative recycling. I love that you used the witch-hat frame for your Easter carrot. So cute!
    Thank you for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 12.

  5. This is really ingenious, Ann. I love the way your thrifty and creative mind works!!

  6. Ok, I'm definitely doing this! Genius! I have two of these forms, I believe, left from Halloween. Love! I'll be featuring your post Thursday on Crafty Creators! Thank you so much for showing me this!! If you're following me on FB or IG, I'll share your post across all of my social media (FB, IG, Twitter, MeWe, & Pinterest of course) over the weekend or just before next week's party and I'll tag you in it. If you haven't gotten your "I was featured" button, you can grab one on Thursday if you'd like.

    Niki ~ Life as a LEO Wife

    1. Thank you, Niki! Every time I looked at these forms I saw carrots...I finally got around to making it!

  7. Genius! I made a Witch's Hat Wreath from one of these a couple of years ago, saw the frame again last year and passed because I didn't think I needed another. Now kicking myself because this is so perfect. Reminds me of those pictures "what do you see". Featuring when my link party opens!

    1. Thank you so much, Carol. Now you know to buy an extra when they come about again this fall!

  8. Oh my goodness, witch to carrot was an amazing idea!!! Great thinking outside the box ~ I would have kept seeing witch hat LOL.

    1. Thanks, Allyson! It doesn't always happen, but when it does....This happens! LOL

  9. This is a great upcycle! Sometimes you just have to turn things on their head to see their potential! :-D


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