Making Birdhouse Gourd Lanterns

Everyone is transitioning into Fall. I don't know about you, but, in my world, Fall doesn't arrive until the day after Labor Day. My birthday is the end of this month and believe me, I always remember the 'Dog Days of Summer' during my birthday parties as a child. My mother wouldn't even bake a cake because it was so hot! Don't worry, she'd run out and buy something..... The bottom line? August is just too early for pumpkins in my world. But enough about that. The lanterns I'm about to share can be used all Summer and into Fall so let's get started! This is a 'first' for me. Last summer I decided to try growing birdhouse gourds. The vines grew great, but the flowers weren't being pollinated. The problem? The flowers bloomed in the early evening and all the bees were already tucked in their beds! I decided to take action and started hand-pollinating with a q-tip. It worked - far be if from me to have to wake up...