Denim Pocket Organizer

Welcome back! Today I want to share an organizing idea that was made from the leftovers of another recent project. If you follow me, you'll remember The Christmas Mermaid project. It was the perfect gift for my daughter and left me with another half for a new project. Behold: It was time to create some organization! Yes, this started out as a large gift sack and after using the one side to create The Christmas Mermaid banner , the second piece was destined to be an organizer. There was already a channel across the top for a dowel. After the side seams were opened, they were restitched and the second side was ready for a makeover. I knew I wanted my scissors displayed across the top, so I cut a length of denim from a pant leg, folded under the edges and started to fit it. The left edge was pinned in place and each pair of scissors was put in place before pinning a seam line. When all the pins were placed, each seam was sewn and...