Bird Cages and Candles

This post may contain affiliate links. I am long overdue in sharing my birdcages. There are only two, but I always have an eye out for a new one (or two) since I love decorating with them. It's a quick post, since I injured my back and sitting at the computer is painful - but more on that later..... There's just something about candles on a winter night. This birdcage has been in our home for over 10 years. For the longest time, it housed faux birds and everyone who came into the house thought they were real. As you can see, the most recent inhabitant is a set of candles. They are flameless and are controlled with a remote. I love the fact that they are real wax and the flames are very realistic. My other birdcage was the result of an upcycled Ashtray Stand. One of my favorite projects. Here it is decorated for winter: A few pinecones and some faux greens are a nice transition from the holidays to winter. Here's ...