A Walk Around the Gardens

It's been a year since we moved into this house and we've made lots of improvements to the landscaping. You may remember my post last summer where I shared all the weeding and digging we did, along with the 'treasures' we found. If you missed it, you can read it HERE . This year, we actually have some garden beds and plants are growing....let's have a look around....... First, let me show you the new hydrangea: The front of the house had some forlorn bushes that had to go. We tore them out and planted this beauty. Blue is my favorite color and this shade makes me smile everytime I look at it. I can't wait for it to grow even bigger! We also added a Mr. Lincoln rose bush that never disappoints. The Lemon Balm came back this year and is taking over. I'm good with that since it smells soooo good. I planted an herb garden that includes basil, dill, rosemary, and sage. I harvested some dill the other day and it looks like I'll nee...