
Showing posts from September, 2018

Grandma's Sewing Box

You've seen the meme:  Grandma Had It, Mom Threw It Out, I Bought It Back.  The story of this little sewing box fits it to a 'T'.  While walking through the local thrift store, I saw this sewing box sitting on a bottom shelf.  My grandmother had one just like it and to be honest, I have no idea what happened to it.  But here was another one,  looking pretty humble. The finish was worn, the veneer was chipped, and it was only $2!   It came home with me. The first step was to glue all the loose veneer on the legs: I used wood glue and added binder clips to act as clamps ...there's a little tip for you! After the glue was dry, I  did some filling with wood putty, sanded, and painted the legs, sides, and top with Ocean chalk paint.  After two coats, I distressed the edges and it was time for decoupage! I scuffed the finish a bit with 220 grit sandpaper and wiped away the dust. The Mod Podge was brushed on, making sure to get it into the edge.  

The Fall Porch & How to Over-Winter Mums

It's officially Fall! The Fall Equinox is here, so it's time to get the Fall decorating into full swing.  For my birthday last month, my kids sent me this adorable wagon for the garden.  If you follow me on Instagram, you saw this: Yes, there was some assembly required, but it really didn't take too long.  The directions looked worse than they actually were!  I decided it belonged on the front porch along with my Shabby Planter that I've had for a few years: I also decided to keep the Stepladder out for a few more weeks: Since we moved into a new Cottage and all the mums I've overwintered are probably blooming at the old Cottage, it was time to stock up!  All of the ones you see will be overwintered and planted in the ground next Spring. I never plant them in the ground in the Fall because they just don't have enough time to establish roots.  Here's what I do: Over-Winter Mums: First, if frost is expected but the daytime temp

Summer to Fall Garden

The weather went from one extreme to the other this week. One morning I woke up to temperatures in the 40's and the daytime temps didn't get out of the 50's.  The past couple of days we've had mid-70's.  No doubt about it, cooler weather is coming, Fall is on the way, and the gardens are caught between the seasons, yet the hollyhocks are still blooming: I just love that color! The daisies are also making a showing: I'm still picking fresh tomatoes, along with some beans and peppers. And the pumpkin plants are still flowering: So, where is Fall, you say?   Well, the pumpkins are almost ready to be picked! It's time to get some mums too, since all the ones I had are probably blooming at the old Cottage.  This weekend I'll buy a few to decorate the porch.  When the weather gets cold, they'll come inside for the Winter and next Spring, out they'll go to be planted in the flower beds.  When Fall arrives, there will be mums flowe

The Silver Pitcher & Moving Toward Fall

We went to an Estate Sale a few weeks ago where I found some treasures. While we were in the basement of the barn, I spotted this pitcher through the back window.  It was sitting outdoors on a rickety table, surrounded by weeds, all by it's lonesome.   It was humble, but I was ready to climb out the window after it, until my husband looked at me and firmly said, "No, not with your knee!" as he promptly climbed out the window to grab it  for me .  Isn't he just the BEST??? When I got it home, I took a closer look and found this mark on the bottom.  It was time for a little research.  I learned that the Derby Silver Company was founded in Derby, CT in 1872.  In 1898 they merged with the International Silver Company.  At that time the Derby Silver Company was known as 'Company B'.  My research said that items with this logo most likely date from the nineteenth century. The company closed in 1933,  a victim of the Depression.  I couldn't find this

Back To School...For Teachers

It's September and at the risk of you thinking I'm a day (or weeks) starts around here after Labor Day. Time for my Back-To-School post...Teacher Style!  Teachers deserve a 'little something' at the beginning of the year (just like the kids!), so if you're thinking of getting your child's teacher a little gift, let me offer some suggestions: Ibuprofin -  Their feet and backs are already hurting.   Hard candy or cough drops - Teachers talk all day long and by the end of the first day, their throats will know it! Coffee, tea, water - See the suggestion above. Granola bars, nuts, fruit - Chances are, they won't have time to eat by the time they get their students through the lunch line on the first day.  I used to consider myself lucky if I got to use the rest room! Chocolate - Everyone needs chocolate! Dinner - If you're really feeling ambitious, get together with some other parents and send them home with a ready-made dinner.  Or,