Break Out Those Wine Corks!

You've been self-isolating, drinking some wine, and saving the corks for a project.  But, before you think I'm accusing you of drinking too much, we both know that every wine-drinker has a stash of corks somewhere in their house.  It's time to dig them out and finally DO something with them.  

Welcome back to 10 on the 10th, a group of bloggers sharing ideas and inspiration for less than $10.  This month we're sharing Tips While Social Distancing and we've got some great ideas for you.  Let's get started.....
First, find those corks.  They're probably hiding in drawers or a cabinet...maybe in a box or bag.  You can find them. I have faith in you! 
My first project is an easy one.  All you need is a hot glue gun, a can, and your corks.  This jade plant has been living in an aluminum can ever since I cut it away from the original plant.  It's doing quite well, but, let's face it, this container is not very pretty.  
I chose my corks from a box that I found at a yard sale last summer and I lined them up around the can to make sure I had enough.
Using a hot glue gun, the corks were attached to the can.

The process went pretty quickly and before I knew it, it was done.
You must admit, it's a big improvement!
On a side note, I want to share a word about hot glue because I have often found it to 'let-go' over time.  My choice of glue is usually E-6000, but since it is smelly and I was doing this inside, this time I used hot glue.  

My next project involved a champagne cork and some doo-dads I had in the cabinet.  
I'm sure I saw this on Pinterest, so here's my version.  I glued the mini doily to the top and used the large pin to attach the bead.  The blue one was the only one I could find that came close to what I needed.  Normally, I would have run out to the craft store for beads, but I'm self-distancing....
The next step was to drill holes for the arms and legs:
I bent some wire and glued it in the holes, which you'll see in the next picture where I'm attaching part of a paper doily as a skirt.
A red ribbon was attached to finish the edge.
A bow was added to the head and my little dancer was done:
Here's a peek at the legs:
While the wire was out, I used it to decorate a couple of corks as ornaments.  
I grabbed some other things from my stash  - like beads, gems, and bells, to dress them up.
Look at that!  I'm planning ahead for Christmas!  lol

My last project was made almost 4 years ago and still looks as good as the day it was made.  Here it is:
This is the most practical thing I've made with wine corks and it gets used every day.  Here's a link to that post for the details on making it: Wine Cork Trivet.  
I still haven't shared my wreath or picture made from corks, but I'll save them for another day.  You'll have to stop back, since I just put them on my 'Upcoming Posts' list!
Since this is 10 on the 10th, you have to visit my friends to see what they have in store for you.  The links are listed below:
                   The Apple Street Cottage - you're here

10 on the 10th would love to have some new bloggers join us. We have monthly themes for you to create or share something that costs $10 or less.  This includes: crafts, DIY, home decor, tablescapes, gardening, gifts, recipes, party ideas, beauty, and fashion. If you are interested, please leave a message in the comments and someone will contact you.

Featured at:
Over the Moon

Creative Compulsions


  1. Cute ideas! I have made a few things too with my cork stash. Maybe its time to make something else. Thanks for the ideas!

  2. Very clever ideas....I love playing with corks and I have a cork wall. I will send you a photo later thru messenger. I am always saving corks, too and I need to make a trivet - love yours!! These ideas are great ideas for recycling - drink up!!

    1. Thank you, Patti. I'm always looking for new ways to use my cork collection!

  3. This is such a cute craft. I just threw a couple of way, dang it! Great idea Ann!

    1. Thank you, Terrie. The only ones I throw away now are the synthetic corks!

  4. Ann, I positively adore this very cool and creative project using left over wine corks!

    1. Thank you, Jemma. As far as I'm concerned, you can never have too many wine corks!

  5. Great ideas. Those little legs are adorable. So cute.

  6. Ideas muy originales, y simpáticas.

  7. Lovely photos and great shares! Thank you HPS! Happy Easter!

  8. SO sweet! Alcohol is apparently an essential here, but we were only able to get one delivery a few weeks ago. Since then nothing...but I do have a few corks, to make those darling dancers! So cute!!

    1. Alcohol is also essential around here....especially when you have snowflakes falling! Ugh!
      Happy Crafting!!

  9. I have a large jar full of wine corks. Thanks for these great ideas!

    1. You're welcome. I can't wait to see what you do with your stash!

  10. Great crafting ideas for corks. I like the beaded and wire ornaments!

    1. Thank you. I can't believe I'm planning ahead for Christmas! Lol

  11. I have a cork stash! These ideas are adorable. I like making little key chains with them sometimes to give away.

    1. If I had key rings, I would have made those too!
      Thanks for stopping by...

  12. What great projects. I especially like the flower pot.

    1. Thank you. I think it's so much better than a plain aluminum can!

  13. Ann,
    I love your wine cork projects especially the dancer. So cute. I did a trivet out of corks a few years ago too. Corks are fun to use.

    1. Thanks, Bev. I figured this was a good time to dig them out and start using them!

  14. Some great ideas for corks, we all proabably have a lot more saved than we need, so it's good to have some ideas of what to do with them!

    1. I know I have more to use. I'm thinking I'll make a larger trivet next - big enough for a casserole dish.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  15. This almost makes me wish I were a wine drinker (wine doesn’t like me)! That wine cork trivet is especially awesome.


    1. You can always get them from restaurants or wine tastings at stores. I've acquired a few that way!
      That trivet get used daily and it's time to make another one!

  16. Ann,
    You have given us so many wonderful projects to use up all of those wine corks. Congratulations, you are being featured at Over The Moon Linky party today. I hope you stop by.

  17. Ann, I spotted this post at the bottom of your wine bag post and came to check it out. I have a cork board I made years ago with a very few corks we had saved ourselves and out of the many from my parents that I had saved since high school. I need to reglue some and get it out and use it! Thanks for the inspiration with all the jewelry wire! I made a mini chandelier once but the wire was too soft... Should make another, now that I am feeling crafty. ;)

    Enjoy all your cork creations,
    Barb :)

    1. Wine corks have so many possibilities, Barb. I'm happy to inspire!


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