Carrots for Spring

It's important to say that I don't do much decorating for Spring.  I thought about looking for some bunnies in the thrift stores, but we all know what happened to that plan.  In the meantime, I thought some carrots might be cute, so I made a pattern and cut it out of some pallet wood that's been laying in the basement.
I cut two and gave them a good sanding.
They needed a good sanding too!  You may notice two jigsaw blades in upper right corner of the picture.  They were used blades and were not as sharp as they should have been.  These two carrots were their last cuts.
After sanding, the carrots were painted with acrylic paint.
Two coats of clear and they were almost done.
I found some pretty green ribbon to dress them up.
One went in my china cabinet with this cute little chick:
The other one went on top with my bear/bunny:
And that is the extent of my decorating for Spring/Easter.  I guess I should try a little harder next year.....maybe by then I'll be able to look for bunnies in the thrift stores.
Do you do a lot of decorating for Spring and Easter?

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Wonderful Wednesday


  1. I don't decorate for Easter. It's the one holiday I normally get off and go to family.

    I do decorate for spring. I need my dried hydrangea from fall. A favorite of mine.

    Enjoy your carrots!


    1. Maybe I'm just busy waiting to get outside and into the garden! Thanks for stopping by, Cindy.

  2. I don't seasonally decorate at all. I have out what I love and have no need (or the space) to put it away.

    We're surviving here in southeastern NC. We were well-stocked in the fridge, freezer and pantry before the need to stay home arose. We also have plenty of toilet paper! lol I'm pretty much a homebody anyway, so I don't mind being confined to home.

    My wife teaches, and she's trying to teach from home. It isn't totally foreign to her, but she really misses the contact with her students. She mowed the lawn yesterday while I took a nap. Next time, I have to go out with her, because it isn't fair that she did it all herself. She usually uses the walk-behind mower to do the fine tuning, and I use the ride-on.

    Hang in there. This can't last forever.

    1. I'm in the same boat, Fonda. I don't have a lot of storage either. I'm glad to hear you and your wife are doing well. I am a retired teacher, so I understand how she feels. We are homebodies too, so it's not a huge change for us either, although I do miss being able to run out for something I need/want for a project! Stay well, I'm so glad you stopped by.

  3. Ann,
    Love these...I wish I was handy with lumber...
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  4. I do decorate for spring, and I think rabbits in gardens make a great combination for all springtime long, Easter included. Your carrots would work right into my decor, very cute and a great recycle project.

    1. Thank you so much, Carole. I think next year I will need to 'step up my game' for Spring decorating!

  5. I LOVE these carrots! Cuter than most you see in the stores:) I'm jealous of your woodworking talent lol I used to decorate a lot for Easter (3 little ones expected it and loved it). But now that they're older I lean more toward spring decorating. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm. xo Kathleen

    1. Thank you, Kathleen. I think I did more decorating when my kids were small too.

  6. Well these are adorable! For years i had a scroll saw, but lost interest in using it, now I wish i hadn't sold it!

    1. Thanks, Patti. Now, a scroll saw make me nervous....I like the fact that the jigsaw blade is always facing away from my fingers!


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