Rosie, The Boho Witch

Welcome back!  It just wouldn't be Halloween without seeing Rosie dressed in her costume.  As you know, Rosie is a feisty gal and has definite ideas regarding her couture, so when I was visiting some blogs and heard, "Stop!  That's it!' I knew Rosie had found her outfit for this year.
The inspiration for Rosie's Halloween costume came from Marie @ Interior Frugalista and her Boho Witch Scrap Wood 3D Halloween Sign.  Since it impressed Rosie you must go see it because, well, not much impresses Rosie!  lol

Since Rosie is a real dress form (just ask her) I started with a black skirt and top.
I bought a few rolls of Halloween ribbon at the dollar store, cut them to size, and started tucking them into her waistband.
I continued until the skirt was covered.
One more piece was wrapped around her for a waistband.
Since jewelry completes the outfit. Rosie was given a pearl necklace complete with a spider pendant.
There may also be a few stray sparkles!
After wrapping a purple boa around the brim, a hat was added to complete her ensemble.
I thought about shoes, but let's face it, she doesn't have feet and I wasn't up for the argument after a previous experience.  

A broom?  In all honesty, this was a last-minute project and I just didn't have the resources (after moving) or the time. Sometimes that happens in the real world....and we know I'm all about 'Keepin' It Real'.
Even without the extras, I think she looks quite fashionable and ready to greet trick-or-treaters in a few days.  

Happy Halloween, Everyone - and thank you, Marie for the inspiration!

To read more about Rosie - her story, her antics, her sassiness, please visit her Page.  Click HERE.

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  1. How much fun is this to see my boho witch costume dress form sign realized into a real life size version! I'm so glad my quirky sign inspired a Halloween costume for Rosie.

    1. Rosie thanks you from the bottom of her dress form heart. She says this is the best Halloween costume she's ever had!

  2. Love the skirt! I'd actually wear that outfit. It's adorable.

  3. Rosie is one beautiful witch. Love her skirt. I enjoy seeing Rosie styling!

  4. Ann,
    So darn cute!! I LOVE it!! Thanks so much for sharing and thanks too for taking the time to stop by!!

  5. Oh Ann! Rosie is so cute in her Halloween attire.



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