The 'Sweater-Look' Pumpkin

 If you're like me, I'm sure you've seen the pumpkins created from old sweaters or braided yarn.  They're beautiful and I really wanted to make one.  The problem? I don't have an old sweater that I want to cut up and as much as I threaten to relearn to knit/crochet, I haven't done that yet. Therefore, I have no yarn.  So, what's a gal to do?  Head to the dollar store for a mop!  
Yes, it's made from a dollar store mop.  I'm sure you remember the other one I bought to make the Five Little Ghosties Garland.
No golf balls needed this time!

Before starting this project, let me welcome you to the Creative Craft Hop hosted by Sara from Birdz of a Feather.   If you're visiting from Terrie - Decorate & More With Tip, welcome to the Cottage.  At the bottom of this post I'll direct you to the next stop on this hop, but be sure to visit all of the other stops too for some amazing inspiration. They will all be listed.
Now let's get started.  After releasing all of the strands from the mophead, I used a binder clip to hold three of them in place...
...and proceeded to make a braid.
I made about a dozen braids.
Then I cut them all in half and glued the ends to keep them from unraveling.
They were ready to be attached to the dollar store styrofoam pumpkin.
Each braid was attached with a bead of hot glue.
Because the pumpkin is round, you will need to 'finess' the braids to cover all of the orange.  I did end up making a few more braids to be cut and and 'fit in'.

Time to choose a stem!
Yes, I cut them from the pumpkins, let them air dry and save them.  I've even been known to ask neighbors for their pumpkin stems.  If they know you, they'll understand!
But, I digress...glue that stem to the top of your styrofoam pumpkin.
Add a few colorful leaves...
...and you have a new pumpkin to use in your decorating.  The best part about this pumpkin is it will take you all the way to Thanksgiving!  

Next on the hop is Donna - Modern on Monticello. Once you've stopped by to see her, be sure to visit all of the others for more inspiration!  Here's the list:

I hope you'll pin, share, comment, and follow.  If you click on those 3 little lines at the top left of the blog (on the Home page), you'll see where to find me...or click on the icon below to share.


  1. I have plenty of yarn I can send your say Ann lol! But I seriously love the look of this and think it's a brilliant workaround (afterall, you're going to need that sweater when the colder weather hits). Welcome to the Creative Craft Hop :).

    1. Thanks, Sara! I learned to crochet when I was a girl in 4-H but haven't touched it since - maybe this winter...I'm happy to be part of this hop, thanks for organizing it.

  2. Ann this looks so pretty and with your tutorial it is easy to make. Thanks for sharing Ann. Happy Fall.

    1. It is easy to make, Terrie. Happy Fall to you too!

  3. How creative and unique to use a dollar store mop to plait for your adorable pumpkin, Ann! I love it! So glad you joined us!

    1. It was one of those 'ah-ha' moments, Gail. Thanks, I'm happy to be part of this hop!

  4. Wow! I can't believe that cute pumpkin is made from a mop! What a clever idea! Blessings, Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction

    1. This is my second project with a mop, Cecilia. I'm thinking of some new ideas for future projects - stay tuned!

  5. Very cute! How clever to use a mop head and braid the strands together, and note to self, save pumpkin stems! The leaves garnishing the top, adorable!

    1. Thank you so much. I think real pumpkin stems are the key - natural or painted!

  6. Besides the fact that this little guy is super cute, I love that I wouldn't have to crochet it! Braiding is easier for me.

  7. Ann, this is brilliant. I did make a yarn pumpkin earlier this month, but I really love the look of the braid. Would never have known it was made from a mop. Now, I want to know what you are going to make with the mop handle! Great project.

    1. Thank you so much, Carol. I did have plans for the handle, but with packing, moving, and unpacking, it just didn't happen. No worries though, it's still leaning against the wall in my craft room - taunting me! lol

  8. What a great idea! I have acquired t-shirts, old sweaters, etc, but never use them. But a braided mop! THAT I will do - when I find the glue gun! I need to make a trip to the DT anyway. Lucikly, the pumpkins are already in my stash, because they're probably sold out by now!

    1. I'm so glad I've inspired you! Those pumpkins do go fast - now find that glue gun!

  9. What a great idea and such a pretty pumpkin! I especially love that you used dollar store finds to make it so it's budget-friendly too.

    1. Thank you, Marie. I love being able to create things inexpensively.

  10. So easy!! I love it - Thanks for sharing the My Big Fat Menopausal Life's Share the Wealth Party - Have a fabulous weekend!

  11. I just adore your creativity!! I shared this one with my readers, it was too clever to keep to myself!!

  12. What a clever idea, I first saw this and thought no-way am I going to be able to make this but I reckon I can! Great step-by-step instructions. #HandmadeMonday

    1. You sure can, Rebecca. This is so much easier than knitting - have fun with it!

  13. I really like this project! I have yet to ever learn how to crochet or knit either but do love the look of the sweater pumpkins too. Thanks for sharing a great idea on the hop this month. So glad I joined along as well.

    1. Thank you, Donna. I might give crocheting another shot this Winter. In the meantime, I've got a 'work-around' for projects! lol

  14. I would never have though of using a mop! What a genius idea.

    1. Thank you, Joanne. I just got a little 'out of the box' for this project!

  15. Brilliant idea. At first I thought it was crocheted.

    1. Thank you so much! This is much easier than crochet.

  16. Oh this is darling!! What a cute look. #trafficjamweekend

  17. What a clever idea, Ann!


  18. Oh my gosh I thought I'd seen it all (all the ways to decorate a pumpkin) but I've never seen this! Kudos for a job well done, love it. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm. Pinned! xo Kathleen

    1. Thank you, know how I like to get 'out of the box'!

  19. Positively BRILLIANT! Never would have guessed. Featuring when my party opens up tonight!

  20. I love this! I work at a library and do adult programming. Always looking for great craft idea's.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you so much! This was a lot of fun to make.


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