Five Favorites for Dad

Today I have a special post for you.  It's a look back at a few of my favorite makeovers/rescues in honor of my Dad.  You see, he was the one who first sparked my love for rescuing old thing and today would be his 100th birthday.  Even though I lost him almost 35 years ago, there isn't a day that goes by without thinking of him, especially when I'm covered in sawdust, wood filler, stain, or all three!  He was the one who first handed me a piece of sandpaper and showed me how to use it. 
More than once, while working outside, I've had a dragonfly land nearby.  There are different legends associated with dragonflies and one is that they represent transformation.  That makes sense, since I'm always transforming something when one shows up.  The other theory is that it's a loved one reaching out to you.  If that's the case, I know who it is! 

So, this post is for you, Dad.  I think you'll like what you see....

First up is the Free Table.  Since he was a 'thrifty guy' (gee, I wonder where I get it from?) he would have loved the price of this table.  The best part of this project was that the top was already sanded when I found it.  When does that ever happen?  Have a look:
This was probably one of my easiest furniture makeovers.

Next on the list is The Water-Logged China Cabinet.  This was another freebie but in much worse condition.  More than once my husband offered to put it in the burn pile and find me another one that wasn't such a wreck.  I persevered and ended up with this:
It was a lot of work, but SO worth it!

The Dressing Table is another favorite.  Although it wasn't the worst piece of furniture I've ever worked on, it did have its challenges.  The top was refinished with tung oil and the drawers were refreshed with decoupage.  Have a look:
It didn't have a chair or bench, but, have no fear, I found one!  Check it out HERE.

The Poplar Chest of Drawers has to be included in this lineup.  The original plan for this little dresser had to be scrapped and Plan B was a very pleasant (and popular) surprise.  
Decoupage saved the day!

Finally, The Speaker Cabinet.  Stored in the back of an old barn/garage, it was a dirty wreck.  The top wasn't even attached.  With a little love and elbow grease, I was able to give it a new life.  
This shows it with the speaker doors open.  

So there you have it.  Five favorite projects that would certainly get my Dad's stamp of approval.  
To all of my readers, is there someone who inspired you? I'd love to hear about them in your comments!

I was asked by to share my thoughts of refinishing neglected/damaged wood.  Please take a moment and click HERE for my thoughts and advice.  There are also several other topics that are addressed.  It's well worth the read, especially for anyone interested in furniture renovation.

I hope you'll pin, share, comment, and follow.  If you click on those 3 little lines at the top left of the blog (on the Home page), you'll see where to find me...or click on the icon below to share.

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  1. Ann, I think this post is wonderful. It's a beautiful tribute to your dad and you shared so many gorgeous makeovers. You are truly talented my friend. You have a great vision and the talent to make your visions a reality.

    1. Your words mean a lot to me, Kim. Thank you so much.

  2. Ann, I just love this tribute to your Dad. Happy heavenly birthday to your Dad! My Dad also passed around the same time as yours, would've been 103 this year. Your projects are oh, so fine. My favorite is the stereo cabinet.

    1. Thank you so much, Rita. They may be gone from this earth, but they still live on in our hearts.

  3. Your dad would be so proud of all your efforts! He certainly the planted seeds for repurposing old things and the results are beautiful! Zenda

    1. I sure hope so, Zenda. He was a very talented man and I was so fortunate to have him as my Dad.

  4. What a lovely way to honor your dad! My Dad would have been 97 this year. All great transformations. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm. xo Kathleen

  5. Thanks so much for sharing with us at the To Grandma's house we go link party - I'm featuring you this week!

    1. Thank you so much, Tarah. I look forward to the party!


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