What Do You Do With a Cigar Box?

You upcycle it, of course!  I'm glad you're here because I want to show you how I decided to use this cigar box that has been sitting around for a while.  If you're a crafter that owns a Cricut machine, this is the post for you.  The Maker is a machine that cuts a wide variety of material using different blades.  There are many blade storage options out there - none of which thrilled me, so I decided to make my own. 
Presenting, the Cigar Box:
The box was in excellent condition so all I did was wipe it down with a cloth before I got started on the inside.  
Since it was all wood, I cut a piece of felt and glued it to the bottom of the box.
This provided a soft surface for the blades and housings to rest. 
Next, I grabbed some paint stirrers, cut them to size, and painted/sealed them.  
I measured the distance for smaller pieces to create compartments.  You can see the chalk marks above.  I cut more paint stirrers and placed them for 'fit'.
They were also painted and sealed. When they were dry, it was time for gluing.  I used Alene's Tacky Glue on the bottom and edges of each piece before placing them.
 The glue dried quickly and I had a box with twelve compartments.  
It was time to use my Maker to create labels for the compartments.  They were placed on the sides, then the blades and housings were added.
My project was complete.  Now you may notice there are several empty compartments.  That's because I don't own all of the blades yet and I left extras for anything new Cricut may create in the future. 
I love the fact that I can use this old cigar box for something practical.  
What have you repurposed lately?

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  1. This is great, Ann! A neighbor threw out a ton of cigar boxes last week and I passed, because I wasn't sure what to do with them. Hmmm. Now I wish I'd grabbed a few.

    1. Thanks, Kim. A ton of cigar boxes? Oh dear! We've all done it though....like that one thing you wish you'd grabbed at a yard sale.

  2. Great idea! Thanks for sharing on Happiness is Homemade at LIfeasaLEOWife.com!

  3. Very cool idea to have all your goodies stored in one place.

    1. Thanks, Anita. Especially since I hate pulling things out of foam inserts. This way, I can just grab what I need!

  4. Neat idea! I actually saw a few at my local thrift store, and couldn't think of what I'd do with them.

    1. Thank you. If you have a Maker, it's great for the blades. They also make great storage for small pieces - buttons, etc.

  5. That's so clever, a great upcycle. You could adapt it for beads, jewellery finding, any teeny tiny bits really! Brilliant.

    1. Thank you so much! They really are great for all kinds of small pieces.

  6. What a great idea. I hope your Cricut brings fun to your life. I could never get the hang of mine. I hope you are well!

    1. Thank you, Katie. Cricut Design Space has a huge learning curve and I'm still navigating it.

  7. Old wood cigar boxes are wonderful items. I like your upcycle use of it.
    Thanks for sharing the diy at the Friday with Friends link party :)


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