$15 Cabinet - First of Two!

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Welcome back to the Cottage.  I hope you are all well and ready to hear another story about how I found two pieces of furniture.  A friend once told me I always have the craziest stories, but, hey, that's how I roll.  Are you ready???
Last Fall, at about 11:00 pm I was perusing one of the local garage sale sites when a post came up that said, "Two dressers $15 each." I immediately commented and messaged the woman to tell her I was interested and would like the measurements.  She answered right away telling me she would have to let me know in the morning since the two pieces were out in her barn.  I went to bed wondering if I'd hear from her at all, because people can be flakey on those garage sale sites.  But, sometimes, you have to have faith.
The next morning, she messaged me with measurements.  I explained that I probably could only fit one of them in my car, but would still like to see them.  She asked me where I lived and when I told her, she said that she and her husband were going to be in the area and could swing by with them.  WHAAAAAAT???? I gave her my address and she said they would be here around 6.  

My husband's comment?  "For $15 each, get them both."  You remember him, right?  The Enabler?? Lol

At 6 o'clock, a truck pulled up with both pieces in the back. I'm only showing you one today because I want you to come back next time to see the other one.  
I will give you a tidbit, though.....bird's eye maple.  
I paid her the $30 and her husband helped mine carry them to our back porch.  I was so excited!

This cabinet caught my eye because of the detail in the center.
Here's a close-up:
The finish on this cabinet was rough, the veneer was peeled on the sides, and the top had a sheet of stainless steel screw to it.  
Once the steel was removed, yes, you guessed it, the veneer was in rough shape.  I scraped, sanded, filled, sanded again, and painted the top, sides, and inside with black latex enamel.  
Next, that medallion in the center needed attention.  It was the first thing I saw in the pictures the woman posted, but I was concerned about that chip on the upper left side. I thought I could sand and blend it in with a little stain.  
No such luck.   The more I tried, the worse it got.
It broke my heart to do it, but I filled and painted it.  To ease my pain, I got out a decorative piece from the china cabinet I rescued almost 2 years ago to dress it up.
My husband helped me carry the cabinet inside and lay it on the dining room table.  I used E6000 to attach it and let it dry overnight.  Remember, it was Fall and the nights were getting cool. 
The entire front of the cabinet was given a 'once-over' with Homer Formby's Furniture Refinisher (This isn't made anymore, but Minwax has a product that works just the same.  This product partially melts the existing finish and blends it together.  It did a great job and then the only thing left to do to the wood was give it a few coats of tung oil.  Here's a close-up:
The two products did a remarkable job on the cabinet doors.  I was concerned that they were going to need sanding and refinishing, but they turned out beautiful.
The last step was restoring the pulls.  They were pretty humble, but I like to keep original hardware whenever I can.
At one time, I'm sure they were gorgeous, but they had seen better days.  I tried to clean them up and keep the original finish, but  much of the finish was gone and they were quite pitted.  After cleaning, both pulls got 2 coats of antique gold spray paint.
What do you think about painting the center of each one black?  
The pulls were reattached and the cabinet was done!
Not bad for $15 and now I have a new TV stand, since I always hated the old one, but that's a story for another day...
Thanks for stopping by and please let me know your thoughts on adding a little black paint to the pulls - I'm on the fence!
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To see the dresser that arrived with this cabinet, click HERE.

Creative Compulsions


  1. I would add the black, they kind of yell at this point. It's a beautiful chest!

    1. Thank you. I am actually leaning toward adding the black.

  2. I wonder how the pulls would look painted to match the trim you added at the top?


    1. Do you mean the decorative wood piece? I never thought of that.

    2. Yes, that's what I meant. That would tie the whole piece together.


    3. Thank you, Sheila. I will look into matching it.

  3. It's turned out great and yes I would add the black to the handles x

    1. Thank you Catherine. I appreciate your input!

  4. what a great deal you found... lovely piece a diamond in the ruff thanks for sharing your project come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  5. Excellent purchase! I like the decorative piece you added. :)

    1. Thank you...I had to do something since I couldn't save the original wood. I was so glad I thought of it!

  6. Replies
    1. It really is. Whoever made it, really outdid themselves with the wood used and the design. Thank you for stopping by!

  7. I would vote for toning down the bright gold to maybe an antique bronze, and then decide whether or not color needs to be added to the center of the drawer pulls. The end result is beautiful; you did a stellar job!

    1. Thank you so much. The gold really isn't that bright in person. This room is on the north side of the house and the darkest - so difficult to get a good photo. I will think about bronze though!

  8. Wow, your makeover is gorgeous! I actually liked the 2 colors on the original pulls, it really made them unique. I would also agree with Queen of Rods above my comment and tone down the gold with an antique bronze. Great job!!

    1. Thank you, Pamela. I didn't even think of antique bronze, but might need to!

  9. Marvelous makeover! Sometimes you do have to make decisions when something isn't salvageable, and you did great.

    1. Thank you, Carole, and yes, you do. It broke my heart to paint that center piece!

  10. Wow, what a project. I loved the detail repair on the medallion-and the addition---it fits perfect. I'm not crazy about the bright handles and they might need to be antiqued a bit...but a fabulous restoration. Some of these pieces were so interesting with their veneers. Hugs, and keep up the great work!

    1. I'm so glad you like what I did with the center medallion. That was a tough decision for me. Older furniture is always full of surprises!

  11. Ann!!
    OMG!! What an amazing transformation!!! Love it!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. I hope all is well with you!

  12. They look absolutely fabulous and yes I love the black. I did the same thing to a deconstructed credenza and use the natural wood and black - love it!

  13. I think adding black to the pulls is a fabulous idea! Your piece turned out great! Thanksk for sharing at Vintage Charm. xo Kathleen

    1. Thank you, Kathleen. It looks like I'll be getting out the black paint! So glad you stopped by...

  14. It’s now 2 years later and I wonder what you decided to do. It’s a great looking piece and now has a wonderful new life - well done. I also would have coloured the centre of the handles (the same colour as the background of the little decorative panel) and how do you think the the bottom strip under the cupboard doors would look painted the same colour?

    1. Black was the choice for the center of the pulls. thought about painting the bottom piece, but decided to keep the wood since it was in pretty good condition.

  15. So glad to see you kept front as original. Much more interesting than paint

    1. I agree. I always try to keep the wood when I can!

  16. I love seeing a makeover of an old piece when the history of the piece are respected. This is just beautifully done! I agree with the others that adding the black or toning down the gold would make it even more magnificent! Love it.

    1. You are so right. These pieces have so much history and it's important for them to tell their story!

  17. I wouldn’t paint anymore. It looks beautiful the way it is, nice piece

    1. Thank you so much. I love it the way it is, too!


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