My Latest Finds

It's that time of year and I've been 'yard-saleing' like crazy the past few weekends.  Let me show you the treasures I've found...
Let's start with that sweet silver bowl displaying my faux lemons.  When I found it, it was nearly black with tarnish.  When I turned it over, I found this:
Here's the before and after:
Nothing a little elbow grease and metal polish couldn't remedy!

I fell in love with this little silver-lidded jar as soon as I spotted it.  It was only a dollar.
It was perfect for my vintage dressing table!
These three items I shared in a previous post.
However, I didn't share the inside of the Martha Washington sewing cabinet.
The sliding drawer contained a few sets of needles.
The next drawer is for thread:
The bottom drawer contained a few bags of lace (currently being washed) and this jar full of various pressure feet and metal bobbins:
The last thing I found on this day was a blank sign and it was FREE!
I'm already working on a plan for it, so be sure to stop back!

Every year a local non-profit that helps people with disabilities live more independently has a huge yard sale.  Everything is donated and it's a major fund-raiser for them.  
I went yesterday and here's what I found...
A wicker turkey...because who doesn't need a wicker turkey??
A ceramic tea-light Christmas tree.  Not a chip or crack anywhere!
Placemats and not a stain or smell to be found!
This sign may be a little rough but it's solid wood, so I grabbed it.
Some glass for future projects.
OOPS!  I almost forgot this one.
Care to guess what I paid?
$6 for the wicker turkey, ceramic tree, placemats, sign and glass pieces.  You just can't beat that price!  

I'm off to wash some glass and get started on a few projects.  
What treasures have you found lately?


  1. Nothing like you have, Ann! What great finds! Treasure all of them! I never really have any luck at the Goodwill. I'm doing good if I find a couple of things. I've noticed that the prices there have gone up, too! And yard sales seem to be far and few around where I live! Thanks for sharing your fantastic haul!

    1. Thanks, Gail. We don't have a Goodwill nearby, but when I did, I never had a lot of luck either. This area is great for yard sales and estate sales all spring , summer, and fall. I do my shopping so I have projects to work on during the winter!

  2. Great finds, Ann! Love the wicker turkey, because as you said, who doesn't need one? 😉

  3. Your sewing table is adorable...who doesn't need another piece with storage!

    1. Thank you, Sandi...and you are exactly right! Storage is everyone's goal.

  4. Those are some great finds! I really like the glass. My mom has some pieces very similar to those. And how fun is that wicker turkey?

    1. Thank you, Nicole. I couldn't resist that turkey!

  5. Wow, I can't believe the price. That silver is beautiful, and I love the sewing table. Thank you for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #40 linkup. We hope to see you next week at #41. Have a great week!

    1. Rarely do you get prices like that. I was pleasantly surprised!

  6. You did a great job thrifting and found some really amazing pieces!

  7. Great finds, thanks for sharing on craft schooling sunday!

  8. Love the glass bowls,
    Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 315. See you again next week

    1. I love them too...wait till you see what I have in store for them!

  9. The two silver pieces are my favorites. It is fun to find bargains and you found some for sure!
    Take care and best wishes.

  10. I love how your silver finds turned out once they were cleaned.


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