A Better BLT

 I don't know about you, but we love BLT's around here.  Especially in the summertime - fresh lettuce and tomatoes with nice crisp strips of bacon, slathered with mayo on fresh baked bread.  Absolutely perfect...until everything starts falling out of that perfect sandwich you've created.   

First a piece of tomato lands on your plate.

Then some bacon.

As you try to push them back in, your fingers get covered with mayo and another slice of tomato hits the plate!

Can you relate?

Allow me to share my solution - The Better BLT!
Here's what you need:
1 pound of thick-cut bacon
2  tomatoes - I used Romas
2 cups of chopped lettuce - yes, I pushed it down a little in the measuring cup!
2 good dollops of mayonnaise
Tortillas - I used medium size

Start by chopping your bacon into pieces and adding it to a skillet.
Cook over medium heat.  I know a lot of people cook bacon in the oven but this method has always worked for me.  There is no bacon grease flying out of the pan.  
Almost there!
When it's crispy, drain on paper towels.
Add the 2 cups of chopped lettuce to a bowl.
Chop your tomatoes and add them to the lettuce.
Add the bacon.
Toss, then add 2 dollops of mayonnaise.  
This is where I sneak a taste!
Spoon on tortillas and wrap them up!
Take a bite! 
How about that?  Nothing falls out!
That's a better BLT.  Don't you agree?

Give it a try and let me know what you think!


  1. I bet this must taste like heaven. Thank you for sharing!

    1. It gets my vote for 'yummy'. I hope you'll give it a try!

  2. BLT is one of my favorite lunch foods. I love how easy this looks and it will be perfect to take for work lunches! Stopping in from Sundays on Silverado!

    1. It is easy and you're right, it's perfect for taking to work. Enjoy!

    2. I think I am going to make it for this weekend.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jenna. I just love quick and easy meal prep!

  4. This is so smart! What a great idea. I'm a huge fan of the bacon-tomato-mayo flavor combination. Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #41 linkup! We hope to see you sharing more of your posts with us at #42 which opens next Monday. Have a great week and happy 4th of July!


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