Doll Dresser Gets a New Life

 My goal is to 'do' the projects that have been sitting around for a long time. This particular one has been waiting 4 & 1/2 years.  It's about time, right?  
This little doll dresser was found at the Estate Sale I went to 4 times.  A bit much, for sure, but I got some great deals!  

Welcome to the 'Do It Over' Designers blog hop. We are a group of bloggers who love to recycle/upcycle/DIY. I'm happy to host this hop and I hope you'll visit everyone to see what they have to share with you.  Their links will be listed at the end of this post.

This post may contain affiliate links.

Now, let's talk about this sweet little doll dresser.  It was hand-made and with the mirror, was about 14 inches tall.  The paint had seen better days, so I removed the points holding the mirror, removed it and the frame. Time to get to work.
After a little light sanding, the dresser got 2 coats of paint.  You may recognize the color.  It's what I used on the Marketplace Bookcase.  Use what you have, right?
Since the drawers were going to be decoupaged, they were painted white.  
Paper napkins usually have layers, so the top layer was peeled away for decoupage.
Since the knobs on the drawers were pounded in (and there was no way they could be removed) I estimated where they would be on the napkin and cut an X.
See the knob peeking through?
Mod Podge was applied to the drawer front and the napkin was placed on it.
Plastic wrap was used to smooth the napkin down (and around the knob) without ripping it.  A second coat was applied after the first dried, and the plastic wrap was used again.
The knobs were then painted with antique gold craft paint.
Once dry, the drawers were sprayed with clear Krylon.
I almost forgot.  The mirror frame was also decoupaged!
Reassembled, the little dresser was place on my bathroom counter.
It is now a place to store nail clippers, tweezers, get the idea.  However, it needed a little 'styling' and my husband let me know that right way.  Little did I know he went online and ordered a dollhouse mirror, brush and comb for it. 
How sweet is that?
Sadly, the scale was off.  So the search is on for the right set but they are staying because I LOVE the fact that he did that for me!
So I did a little styling on my own.
Tiny antique bottles and a 'not so old' bottle with dried flowers were the perfect fit, along with my Passive Essential Oil Diffuser.
Besides being pretty to look at, this diffuser does not need to be plugged-in.  Just add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and the scent lasts for days!  
Yes, that's a second passive diffuser that lives next to my laptop in the craft room. 

What would you do with a doll dresser like this one?

Before you run off, don't forget this is a blog hop and the rest of the team has some amazing upcycle/recycle/did-it-over projects to share with you.  The links are all listed below:


  1. What an adorable makeover. How nice to use this as cute storage storage for yourself, the dolls don't need to get all the pretty things do they? I love that your husband got some accessories for it, such a lovely gesture. Maybe you could put them on a teeny tiny tray with a little lace or cloth? Or maybe you need to make a tiny little doll dresser to sit on your doll dresser! ..... that's what the young people call meta right? :-D

    1. Thank you so much for the great ideas, Julie. I'm pretty pleased with the final look!

  2. That is the coolest piece of doll furniture I've ever seen and what you did with it is SO pretty Ann! What an amazing husband you have to help you accessorize it! That's just above and beyond!

    1. Thank you so much, Sara...and I have to agree, my husband is pretty amazing!

  3. Ann, that is just darling!! I love the napkin you chose and your detailed tutorial. I'm always looking for new decoupage tips. So you didn't apply Mod Podge over the napkin? Just the Krylon? Inquiring minds over here...and by the way, big high fives to your husband. His accessory choice was spot on and very sweet!! Thanks for hosting another fabulous hop!

    1. Oh, gosh, I did apply it over the napkin! I'll have to go back and edit that part. Thanks for pointing that out, Kim. As you know, it's been a wild few weeks around here! It's always a joy to host this hop and I agree, Mr. Apple Street is a keeper!

  4. Oh my gosh that is so cute, it turned out great and how sweet that your husband did that for you :)

    1. It's a definite improvement over the chipped paint. Thanks, Tania!

  5. Oh my, Ann! Silly me! I thought that was a real dresser makeover! It's so pretty regardless of the size! What a cool idea to place it on your bathroom counter! And your decoupage technique is impressive! I looked for wrinkles and didn't see not one!!! You go, Ann! And thanks for hosting this awesome hop!

    1. I know, pictures can be deceiving. This napkin went on very smoothly - I got lucky, Gail. I love hosting this hop, the creativity always blows me away!

  6. This is absolutely darling! Great work. Visiting from Senior Salon Pit Stop.

    1. Thank you so much, Jennifer!

    2. Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #39 linkup, too! It's just so sweet. Hope to see you next time at #40 with more of your posts to share.

  7. My goodness Ann, I love this idea. I would have never thought to use a doll dresser for storing essentials. I love that your hubby picked up the combs and mirror! How sweet of him. This is the cutest idea I have seen in a while, love it!

  8. That is absolutely adorable! What a fabulous little makeover. Now I'm kind of wishing I had kept some of my old dollhouse furniture.

    1. Thank you Joanne. It seems like there's always something we wish we'd saved!

  9. Your makeover gives your little dresser a fresh and updated look, and what a great idea to decoupage the mirror portion, too. That's an excellent idea to use it on a bathroom counter to store essentials. Fabulous DIY project! Pinned.

  10. That doll dresser is so adorable. I love the napkin you used. It's so pretty!

  11. You did an awesome job. Give your hubby a hug for all of us who have someones who would NEVER think of doing such a thoughtful thing! As a dollhouse lover, I love making dh accessories and I'd make a tiny tray with some bead perfume bottles to go with your dresser set!

    1. Thank you, Kathy, and I will give him that hug!

  12. Ann,
    This is so adorable!! What a great transformation!! Love it!! I hope you have a great weekend!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  13. Excellent makeover and it's so sweet. Could be used for love notes, jewelry box , baby teeth etc.


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