Last Estate Sale for 2020

Everyone loves a good Estate Sale. right? The only problem in this day and age is going when there isn't a crowd. That's why I went to this one during the last hour of the sale. It was held in a beautiful Victorian house not far from me and even though it was the last hour, I scored some great pieces. The first thing that caught my eye was the jewelry. The dining room table was covered in it and there were two jars filled with random pieces. Sadly they were marked $10 each. A little too rich for my blood because, let's face it, I'm cheap I mean, 'frugal'. I did get them, but they're part of the story. Keep reading.... I'll tell you about the scissors in a minute. I kept looking and spied two silver bowls on top of a cabinet. A friend has been looking for bowls like these and when the gentleman running the sale heard me say that, he cut the price in half. The hunt was on! The next room I went into was the sewi...