Another Rocking Chair?

Last summer we stopped at a yard sale. It was late in the day and the man wanted to get rid of the few things that were left. This rocking chair had a price of $15 dollars and he was trying so hard to get me to buy it. If you know me, you know I LOVE rocking chairs and the last thing I need is another one ( I already own 3). I mentioned this to the man and he dropped the price to $10. I still told him, 'no', but he persisted! I finally looked at him and explained, 'I really don't need another rocking chair and, anyway, the most I would pay for it is $5.' He said, 'It's yours'. My husband said, 'For 5 bucks, get it.' Have I mentioned he might be an enabler?? He put it in the car. I didn't look too bad, but when I got up close, I could see the finish was worn, there were some chips and dings, and some of the cross pieces were loose. So, there was a little gluing, filling, and sanding. Then two coa...