This & That October 2024

 I just looked back and let me tell you, it's been a while!  There is SO much to share I hardly know where to begin!  It's going to be a long one so sit back and pour yourself your favorite beverage.  You don't want to miss a thing!
Hello October - the leaves are turning their beautiful shades of red, orange, and yellow, yet the temperatures are still mild.  Believe me, I don't mind at all since winter is that one season that seems to go on forever!  
But, before we get to October, let's go back to the beginning of Summer....

This post may contain affiliate links.

Yard Sale Season was in full swing.  If you missed this post, here's a sneak peek at my finds:
June had the BEST ending!  My blogging friend Kim came for a visit!  We've been friends for several years, chatting via messages and video chats but we've never been in the same room together.  She and her husband were vacationing nearby and we met for dinner.  Our husbands hit it off immediately and dinner turned into a 6 hour event.  Yes, we closed the restaurant and then ended up in the lobby to continue our visit.  It was almost midnight when we realized we hadn't taken any pictures.  Our husbands grabbed our phones and starting snapping away. 
It was comical.  Kim was looking one way, I was looking another, our eyes were get the idea. 
So we settled on a selfie.  
At midnight.
It was SO much fun and we can't wait to do it again!

July arrived with a tornado!  Something we never get in this part of the country. 
There were winds clocked at 87mph. Some houses sustained significant damage and trees were down everywhere. 
We lost power for several hours.  It was quite tropical as we sat outside waiting for the power to return and we were grateful to have a Thermacell.  Not a bug in sight.
Despite the heat and humidity of the month, we went to the Friday night concerts at our local park and listened to some amazing music!  We also had dinner at a local restaurant on the lake.
I could have sat there all night!
We went to a couple of estate sales.  A woman working at the first one was so rude to me that I handed her the items I was planning to buy and walked out.  No one get my money if they're rude to me!  
Fortunately the next one was a much more pleasant experience.  The first thing I found was this beautiful rolling pin.
Next, this box of Christmas lights with no price.
I got all of them, and the container for $3.
This wooden spindle was a bargain @ $4
And as I was on my way out, I spotted this watch. It reminded me more of a bracelet.
For $5, it came home with me.  I spent more on a battery for it! 

Since we're talking about jewelry, I finally bought a silver chain for my grandmother's necklace.
It's sterling silver and needed a chain. 
The best thing about it?  I have a photograph of my grandmother wearing it!
How sweet is that?

August arrived with my ears bothering me.  I've had on-going issues with my ears for several years - fluid, bulging eardrums, and ear infections.  It hasn't been a lot of fun.  I called the ENT office that I had been recently referred to and was told they couldn't see me. (I know, right?) Since I was miserable, I saw my PCP and sure enough, there was fluid in my ear and the eardrum was bulging.  I was prescribed a course of steroids...not a good drug to be on.  
And then I lost my hearing in my right ear...
Long story short?  I had to find another ENT office to see me.  I did. After appointments and a hearing test I was diagnosed with Eustachian Tube Dysfunction and more urgently, Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss, a rapid and unexplained loss of hearing. 

The treatment?  High doses of steroids for 15 days. An MRI was also ordered.  

The worst part?  No one knew if my hearing would return.

Fortunately, after about 6 weeks, my hearing did return.  It was confirmed by a second hearing test and my MRI was clear. 
Time to turn everyone's attention to the Eustachian Tube Dysfunction.  I was referred to the ENT surgeon (I'd been seeing a PA) and I finally found someone who was listening to me!  The decision was made to insert tubes in my eardrums to prevent fluid/pressure from building up in the middle ear. 
 I just had that done...
2 days ago...
I have a follow-up in about a month.  Fingers crossed that this will put and end to my ear problems!  

If you've made it this far - CONGRATULATIONS!  You probably need a refill on your beverage.  Go on, I'll wait right here.

I like to end on a high note, so let me share a few more things before you go!

I found this at a yard sale:
I have plans...

There were tons of acorns falling out of the tree at this yard sale. The woman gave me a box and told me to take as many as I wanted.  I spent an afternoon gluing the caps back on!
So thankful for silicone finger protectors!

I had a birthday and one of my favorite presents was this Reverse Coloring Book.  It was a great distraction when I wasn't feeling very creative.  Let's face it, when you lose your hearing and don't know if it will come back, creativity isn't at the top of the list!

I cut my hair!

We spent the day at The Wild Center.
Everyone should wear moose antlers at least once, don't you think?

I found a few more treasures on Marketplace.  I didn't take pictures, but there's a tea caddy, a cool box, and a vintage toaster.  Rest assured, they will be featured in future blog posts, so be sure to stop back for all the fun.

The last thing I will leave you with is a story...

As I was scrolling through Marketplace in search of treasures, I noticed a listing for fabric.  Now, I don't collect fabric but this woman's description was the BEST and it applies to so many things....
She said she suffered from SABLE and had to get rid of this fabric.

What is SABLE you ask?
Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy

All I can say is, "She is my person!"

Can you relate??

And that's the end of my This & That post.  

Aren't you glad???  I'm sure you thought it would never end!  

I hope you'll be back to visit because I really do have some great projects in mind.  With any luck, I'll be feeling better and actually feel like doing them!


  1. Ok, well, it sounds like you had a quite a summer, full of highs and lows. I'm so happy our visit was one of the high points! It was for me (us!), too. We had a ball...and yes, we need to do that again, soon, especially since your hearing is back! Thank goodness!! I love that photo of your grandmother wearing the necklace. That is crazy! Now you need to take a picture of yourself wearing it.

    1. It sure was, Kim, and your visit was the absolute best. We need to do it again soon! I love that photo of my grandmother and you're right; I will have to take a picture of myself wearing the necklace...and my daughter! Great idea!

  2. I hope the tube surgery was a success; that must have been so scary to not know if your hearing would return. So glad meeting your blogging friend Kim and that it was such a huge success of a night!

    1. So far, my one ear is a bit muffled, but I've been told that's normal and give it time. Losing my hearing was very scary and I am so grateful it returned. Meeting Kim in-person was the best and we plan to get together again - hopefully soon!


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