How to Decoupage With NO Wrinkles

If you've been visiting the Cottage for a while, you know that decoupage is a favorite around here. Recently, my friend, Kim asked me if I'd ever heard of the the iron method. I hadn't, but I learned about it and decided I was definitely going it give it a try. WOW, was I impressed! Let me show you this technique along with a cute Fall craft... This post may contain affiliate links. The first thing I did was head to the dollar store where I found a wood acorn cut-out and some pretty fall napkins. I really love the soft colors in these napkins. You'll need some wood filler (I'll show you that in a minute), Mod Podge , craft paint, a brush, your acorn, napkin, burlap, scissors, sandpaper, and (I almost forgot) a piece of parchment paper.. An iron is also needed, but more about that later! The first thing I did was cut off the tag and fill that hole . Since the napkin was mostly white, I painted the acorn with two coats of craft paint. I didn't paint t...