Easy Spring Projects

Everywhere you look in blogland, it's Spring and has been since Valentine's Day. Of course, in my part of the world, we had a snowstorm a few weeks ago - HA!....but it IS getting warmer! Let me share a few Spring projects. The Easiest Spring Nest: Carrots for Spring: My most recent Carrot from a Witch Hat: One of my all-time Favorites, the Easter Basket in a Jar: Why am I sharing some of my past Spring post? Well, sometimes life gets in the way of blogging and that's exactly what has happened at the Cottage. There has been a lot of family medical 'stuff' to deal with and to be honest, it's been rough. That being said, I'll be taking a few weeks off from the blog to take care of more important things. To all of you I wish you a Happy Spring/Happy Easter and I'll see you soon!