The Poplar Chest of Drawers

It's been a bit of a whirlwind around here with cutting and sanding. Winter will be here before we know it and it will be too cold for those activities! So, I bring to you - this little chest of drawers that was advertised on a garage sale site: This is a small chest, only about 40 inches tall, but perfect for small-space living. Advertised on-line, it looked like this: It had that lovely orange, 1940's look, but it was solid wood. The original plan was to paint it black and give the drawers a lovely stain to show-off the wood grain. Out came the sander and here's what I found: Poplar! Poplar is and inexpensive hardwood. The tell-tale green tint gives it away. It is usually painted because poplar is notorious for being 'blotchy' when stained. On to Plan B! After all, it was solid wood and and the drawers were dovetailed. The chest itself was painted with 2 coats of Ink Chalk Paint (available at ...