Rope-Handle Pallet Box

The holidays are over and it's a brand new year.  We've been rather busy with some big news here at the Cottage.  In a few weeks I'll be able to share, but for now, let me share another project that was a Christmas gift.
I made this box for my daughter's boyfriend.  After making the wrench-handled one (see that one HERE), I decided it was time to use some rope.  I'm starting to run low on pallet wood, so I've been using up my, am I glad I saved them - they're perfect for the ends!
After cutting all the pieces and adding the paint/stain finish, I drilled holes in the ends for the rope.  This is the easiest handle since all you have to do is tie a knot!
For Christmas, I filled it with some favorite 'goodies' and a gift card.  
There are so many ways to use these boxes:  Gift-giving, table centerpieces, flower boxes, mail collector, the list goes on and on.  

I still have a few more scraps waiting for me, along with a new Dremel SawMax that I got for Christmas, so stop back again soon to see what else I can create!

Happy New Year from The Cottage.  Be sure to stop back again soon. You won't want to miss our big news!

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  1. Very cute box! I can think of so many uses for this, inside and out!

  2. I can think of a lot of uses for that box! Thanks for sharing on the Pleasures of the NW's DIY party!

  3. Great box! I love pieces like this and even better when they are handmade ;) Thanks for sharing @Vintage Charm!

    1. Thank you so much. I love handmade things too!

  4. Love it! Thank you so much for sharing with us at last weeks link party! Tomorrow you will be featured when the new To Grandma's house we go party starts, hope to see you there!

    1. Thank you, Tarah. It's always such a thrill to be featured!

  5. This is so cute! It'd make a great table centerpiece filled with candles or vase fillers, too!

    1. That's a great idea, Emily! Thanks for stopping by!


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