Make Your Own Ground Beef in 5 Easy Steps

We've been on a healthy eating journey for several years now and our recent discovery is the benefits of grinding your own beef.  Why ground your own you ask?  It all started when we learned about pink slime.

Pink slime (aka Lean Finely Textured Beef) is a term for a meat by-product (lean meat trimmings and connective tissue) that is added to ground beef and beef-based processed meats.  It is processed by adding ammonium hydroxide, (an antimicrobial agent) to it.  You can do a search and read all about it, but, personally, I say, "No, Thank You." and leads me to grinding your own.  Let me show you the quick and easy process. 5 steps that take less than an hour.  I promise!

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1.  Start by cutting a chuck roast (we always buy one when there's a sale) into small pieces and popping them in the freezer for about 15-20 minutes.
We used a 2 and 1/2 pound roast and spread it out on an old baking sheet.

2.  Set up your food grinder attachment to your KitchenAid Mixer.  
There is a coarse and a fine grinding plate. Start with the coarse.
3.  Turn on your mixer and begin adding the meat to the hopper.
Change the plate to fine...
That's the workhorse!
...and grind again.
4.  Divide your ground beef into equal amounts.  We made ours into quarter-pound patties.
5.  Wrap up the patties.
They are ready to go in a freezer bag and to the freezer.
That's it!
No pink slime added!
Honestly, these are the best burgers I've ever eaten.  

Package yours any way you like.  The quarter pound patties work well for us.  Easy for burger night and if we need a pound of ground beef for a recipe, we just defrost four patties!

Off you go to research pink slime and let me know if you're ready to give this a try!


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