Summertime Rosie

 Did you miss me?  It's been F-O-R-E-V-E-R.....don't worry, I'm back to share 'all about me' so join me in checking out my new outfit.

Even though Ann has clearly been neglecting me, she found me a few new dresses.  This is the one that caught my eye for summer.
It's a cotton Christopher & Banks dress that is just perfect for the hot, humid weather we've been having.  I started digging through closets for accessories and found my favorite red hat.
Jewelry was next on my list and I grabbed this necklace that matched the blue in the dress perfectly!
Can we talk about those tears?  I think it's time I had a little repair work.  Don't you agree?  
After all, that other dress form got a major overhaul and she doesn't even have a name yet!
But, I digress...

This straw tote was spotted in the back of the closet - another perfect match for the dress!
It went on my shoulder and I told Ann I was ready for a day at the track...a cool dress (with necklace), a hat, and a tote to carry all the essentials like ALL MY WINNINGS!  
She then informed me that she didn't think her knee was up for a day at the track just yet. 

There are just a few weeks left...

And all the pretty horses are calling my name...

Maybe there IS an advantage to not having legs, especially knees!?!

I'll have to work on this!

A Note from Ann:

Rosie was pretty excited about the new dresses.  Little did she know I got them for a dollar each at a yard sale!  She also thought the Christopher & Banks tag was a big deal.  I didn't have the heart to tell her it was no big deal.  Let's face it, it's not Chanel! 

A day at the track won't be happening for Rosie.  I still have some pain in my knee and going to the track involves quite a bit of walking.  

As for her tears, I've been thinking about recovering her.  After the major work I had to do on the Junior Dress Form, I'm sure I can do it, it's just a matter of what I want to do. 
Oh, indecision, you are my nemesis!

I am driving again so maybe I'll take her to a yard sale or two.  Right now, that's about my speed.

I hope you're enjoying the last weeks of summer.  Before we know it, the days will be cooler and the leaves will be changing.  Fall is on its way...

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  1. Pain in your knee - hope that will be healing soon. Not sure what happened but I feel you as I had knee replacement and still recovering as well.
    BTW. Love that dress, its so colorful
    I visited you via Sundays on Silverado #158
    I linked up this week with = 29+30 and this is a friendly reminder to come and join us at SeniorSalonPitStop. You will find the linkup information under BLOGGING.

    1. It's been a slow process and I keep telling myself that more work was done than originally intended. My next follow-up appointment is next week so I should get some answers then. Thank you so much for stopping by!

    2. Hope it will get better soon and that you do get good feedback at your appointment.
      Thank you for sharing your various links with us at #274 SSPS Linky. Hope to see you again next week.

    3. Just a few more days until my the meantime, I keep doing all the things I was told!

  2. Very cute outfit!

    Thanks for sharing your post at the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop!


    1. Rosie thanks you from the bottom of her dress form heart!

  3. Rosie looks lovely. That dress is very pretty and one I would enjoy wearing. It was wonderful to see her again. I'm sorry for the pain in your knee and hope it heals and you are pain free very soon! I don't always leave a comment but enjoy your posts very much!

    1. I love it too and was hoping it would fit me. Sadly, it was a bit too tight don't tell Rosie! Thank you so much for your kind words, Debbie. I have a follow-up appointment with the surgeon next week and we'll see what he says. I'm so glad you visit the Cottage, it's wonderful to know that my posts are enjoyed!

  4. Love your sense of humor and celebrate you and your recovery. Saw this post at August Ideas on WWBH. My shares are #52 through 56. Wishing you and your readers a marvelous day.

    1. Thank you so much, Nancy. I hope you'll stop back again soon!

  5. That was a really lovely post. Thanks Rosie and Ann

    1. You're very welcome. Thanks for stopping back and please come back again!

  6. I love hats so this was a great post! Love that dress and straw tote too. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you so much, Anne. I hope you'll stoop by again soon!

  7. Ok the dress is lovely, Rosie, but that hat! Of course it's my favorite part of the outfit!

    1. As you know, Rosie does love her hats. I have to find her some new ones, this one is starting to get a little faded...but don't tell her!

  8. That outfit is just lovely! I'm glad to hear you are able to drive again, glad to hear your recovery is coming along. Though don't we always hope for a quicker recovery?! I remember being so impatient to feel "better already" after my last surgery.

    1. So true, we always want to be all healed 'now'! Rosie sends her heartfelt thanks to you!

  9. Rosie is looking real snazzy in her summertime look! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty.

  10. Knee pain is the worst, my mom is suffering right now, and can barely gimp around. Of course, she is fighting it every step of the way. Love Rosie, and her ideals... maybe she needs a day at the racetrack when you are feeling more on the mend. I enjoy giving objects names and personalities too, teehee.

    1. It's no fun at all...send my regards to your mom and tell her to get it repaired - better sooner than later. I've been suffering for a couple of years and I'm looking forward to being completely healed from my surgery. Rosie is a sassy gal, but lots of fun!


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