The Book Witch

This project began over the summer and was inspired by a Christmas project from when I was a little girl.  Who remembers making angels from the Montgomery Ward catalog?  Folded pages, silver spray paint, and a styrofoam ball for the head?  Sound familiar?
I decided to make a Halloween version using an old book.  
Behold, the Book Witch!

Little did I know Book Witches were 'a thing' until I started talking about them and Pinterest started listening.  Guess what started showing up all over my feed?  They used wooden balls for the head and pipe cleaners for hair and arms but I made mine a little differently using materials I already had stashed away.

Welcome to the 'Do It Over' Designers blog hop. We are a group of bloggers who love to recycle/upcycle/DIY.  I'm happy to host this hop and I hope you'll visit everyone to see what they have to share with you.  Their links will be listed at the end of this post.

I used a book that had seen better days.  
The first fold was made.
Then the second.
And the third.
Over and over and over again!
When enough pages were folded, some orange paint was dry-brushed on the edges.
It was time for the head and I didn't have a wooden ball that was the right size, so I used what I had - a egg-shaped one.
A hole was drilled in the bottom.
Large enough for that small dowel to fit. The dowel was glued into the book pages and some green raffia was added for hair.
A hat was needed next, so I made a pattern and created a hat from felt.
After a little embellishing with ribbon and a flower, the hat was placed on her head.
Then a piece of ribbon was added to the space between her head and body.
Next, a felt square became a cape.
Two buttons were added.
...and a bow.

Every witch needs a broom so I cut a strip of paper and began gluing on pieces of raffia.
Raffia was added until it was nice and thick.
With a little hot glue, it was added to a stick.
A broom with a little jute wrapped around it!
The broom and a black cat, cut with my Maker were added to the front and the Book Witch was complete!

My version of the Book Witch:
A wooden egg, no arms, and a black cat!
Have you made anything with an old book?

I hope you'll pin, share, comment, and follow.  If you click on those 3 little lines at the top left of the blog (on the Home page), you'll see where to find me...or click on the icon below to share.

Before you run off, don't forget this is a blog hop and the rest of the team has some amazing upcycle/recycle/did-it-over projects to share with you.  The links are all listed below:

Sum of Their Stories

Tea and Forget-Me-Nots

The Apple Street Cottage

Birdz of a Feather

Exquisitely Unremarkable

Purple Hues & Me

Southern Sunflowers

Featured at:


  1. Ann, I am smitten. Your witch is just darling and her cat is super sweet. I've never made one of these, but now I believe I must. Thanks for walking me through the detailed DIY. Now I need to find and old book and think of a name for my own black cat. Thanks for hosting and Happy Fall!!

    1. Thanks, Kim. This project sparked some old memories and was fun to create. I'm happy to host and am so glad you're part of this hop!

  2. Your book witch turned out amazing Ann! I didn't know books witches were a thing either. The only angels I ever made as a kid were snow angels - we have plenty of that around here in the winter.

    1. We made snow angels too! Now that you've mentioned 'book witch' your feed will be full of them too. 😉

  3. This is adorable! I’ve made a word by folding pages of a book before but nothing like this. Love it!

    Rachel - Tea and Forget-me-nots

    1. Thank you, Rachel. I'm discovering there are tons of book folding projects out there!

  4. Your book witch is too cute and sweet, Ann! Perfect for Halloween! You did a fabulous job in putting her together! BUT - having a sister who was a librarian and who reads books every minute of the day, lol - I could never, ever use one in my craft projects! I would never hear the end of it! Nevertheless, I secretly love seeing crafts made out of book pages! They really do look amazing!

    1. Thanks, Gail. I had my own reservations - retired teacher/literacy specialist, but this book was pretty worn-out so I was OK with upcycling it. Just don't tell your sister!

  5. Very clever - How long did the folding of paper take?

    1. I did the folding over a few days so it's hard to say, Patti. I will say it was a mindless task!

  6. I made a book Christmas tree a good few years ago at a craft group, but I've never seen a book witch before. I'm sure, like you, I'll see them everywhere now!! Your witch is lovely, I especially like the flower on her hat.
    Crafting with books is hard, it seems almost wrong doesn't it? Have you read A Series of Unfortunate Events? In that they say something along the lines of "there is no sadder sight than a ruined book" which I kind of agree with, but I also read that tons and tons of books end up in landfill every year and that because of the glue used they can't be easily recycled as paper. This made me feel a lot better about using old ruined and unreadable books for my crafts. I'm now a big fan of them as a craft material.

    1. I have the same struggle with the idea of using books for crafting, but you're right about what happens to so many of them. This was my first book project...there may be more...

  7. This is so cute!!! I love the black cat at her feet, just adorable!

    1. Thank you, Jenna. I just love little black cats!

  8. Oh gosh yes, does this bring back memories of my book angel making days Ann! How ADORABLE is your book witch!! The witchy details are just too cute for words.

    1. Thanks, Marie! I knew some of us would remember!

  9. Ann, this so clever and cute! I’m bewitched lol! Debbee of

  10. Adorable Ann!!! I love all the little details and yes, I do remember making the Christmas angels! I tried to pin this but it didn't work. I'll check back later. So cute!

  11. Yes! I remember folding to make Christmas trees, but from Reader Digest magazines. I've never seen a book witch before ~ yours is super cute! Your attention to all the tiny details really make her look come together.

    1. I guess they were made with all different catalogs/magazines/books! Check on Pinterest - Book witches are everywhere! LOL

  12. This witch is so adorable Ann! What a great idea.
    Meagan-Decorative Inspirations

  13. Oh my gosh I love this Ann! I remember Christmas trees made out of old books but not a witch! Absolutely adorable. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm. xo Kathleen

    1. These projects sure are a trip down Memory Lane! Thanks, Kathleen!

  14. I do remember making things from the catalogs like this; what a cute little book witch!

    1. I'm so glad to hear that people remember these creations from childhood and it's even more fun that they are back!

  15. Your book witch is adorable. It looks like a project that takes a lot of patience. I love the artistic details like the black cat and the broom.
    Thank you for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 35.

  16. LOVE THIS, Ann! We will be featuring you starting Wednesday at the Creative Crafts Linky Party!
    Creatively, Beth

  17. She is just perfect. And I love how you made the broom. Featuring when my link party opens!

  18. That's great, I would like to try it^^


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