Easiest Pillow Covers Ever

I really want to show you how to make these easy pillow covers, but things have been a bit 'eventful' around here.  I debated whether or not to share all of this, but part of it is really important.  Let me begin...

It started with my husband's emergency laser surgery last week for retinal tear in his left eye.  He is currently on 'light-duty' - no bending, lifting, etc, as well as, no reading and very limited screen time...serious business!

My PSA:  If you have a sudden burst of floaters and/or flashes of light in your eye, seek immediate medical attention.  We headed to the ER and from there, the retina specialist's office where the surgery was done.  We go back in a week to see how things are healing. In the meantime, he's resting and hoping that spider in his eye goes away...we've named him 'Boris'....gotta have a sense of humor when these things happen, right?

Then we also had a snowstorm - about 10 inches.  Can I tell you how glad I am that we don't have a driveway and sidewalk to clear anymore??  

Beeeecause this morning, I had a muscle in my back spasm and I'm currently in the recliner with an icepack/heat after taking ibuprofen and a muscle relaxer.  Ugh!

Now that we know everyone at the Cottage is falling apart (don't worry, we're pretty tough and we will heal), shall we talk about those pillow covers?  I think we should.  Here we go....

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If you like to change your pillows often but don't have room to store them, I have the solution:  Make pillow covers.  
They take less than 30 minutes to complete, so, let's get started.
The first thing you need are pillow forms.  I used these
Now, grab your fabric.  For each 16" pillow, you will need 2 pieces:  A 17" x 17" piece and a 17" x 23" piece.  I added 6" for the back...you'll see why in a minute. 
After setting aside the 17" x 17" piece, cut the 17" x 23" piece in half along the 23" side.  
You will have two pieces that each measure 17" x 11.5".  Along the 17" side of each piece, press under 1/4".
Fold it under again...
...and stitch.
One side of each piece is now hemmed and, believe it or not, you're almost done!

Take the 17" x 17" piece and place it on the table face up.  Facing down, match the raw edges of one of your smaller pieces to one side of the 17" x 17" piece with the hemmed side facing in.  Then match the other small piece to the opposite side.  The hemmed edges will overlap in the middle.
I've slid them back from the bottom piece in this picture so you can see how they overlap.  

Pin and stitch completely around the outer edge of the 17" x 17" pillow cover using a 1/2" seam. 
As you are looking at this photo, you are able to slide your hand in under the seam to turn the cover out.  But first, clip your corners:
Once turned, insert your pillow form and you're done!
Now make another one and put them on your sofa!

This is such an easy way to change your pillows and storage is a breeze. Just take them off the pillow form, fold, and store on a shelf or in a drawer.   That's SO much better than storing pillows!
I recently made a set for Valentine's Day out of a tablecloth, so don't feel like you have to buy fabric.  Take a look around the house and see if there's anything you're not using that would make pretty pillow covers. Tablecloths, tea towels,  and fabric scraps are all fair game.  

I hope you'll pin, share, comment, and follow.  If you click on those 3 little lines at the top left of the blog (on the Home page), you'll see where to find me...or click on the icon below to share.

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Mary. We're working on it!

  2. I have made pillow cases similar to this, but I used one continuous piece of fabric. Less seams, less sewing, same results. I hope you two heal well. Sending positive energy your way!

    1. I've seen that method too, but I like the seams. Healing is slow, but I think we're getting there!

  3. Cute! I have this same fabric!! Did you know that you can make these easier with one long strip of fabric? Glad to see you clipped the corners - some forget to do and it shows!

    1. I did know that, but I like the look of the seams on all sides. I always clip corners - my 4-H Leader taught me well all those years ago!

  4. Ann!! I'm so sorry to hear this. I know several people who have has that retina issue, it's not fun and I'm sorry to hear about your back. When it rains, it pours...or apparently it snows in your neck of the woods. I hope you're both feeling better super soon and you can back to doing what you enjoy! Great pillows by the way. Love the fabric!!

    1. Thank you so much, Kim. It's been a wild week and a half. I'm starting to move, but slowly....so not my style!

  5. Yikes! Ending the winter with a bang! I've made tons of these type pillow covers and they are seriously so easy. I love that you can slip them off and wash them, too. I usually make mine with one long piece of fabric, but I can see this method would be good for if you had a short width or length of fabric. Get well soon, the both of you!

    1. That's one way to put it , Gina! I love these too, and you're right, it's great for smaller pieces of fabric. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Hope you are both recovering well. These covers look lovely! I like the fabric you chose too.

    1. Thank you so much. We seem to be recovering slowly.... I'm so glad you like the covers, that fabric is one of my favorites!

  7. I love that fabric!
    Wishing you all a "get wel soon" !

  8. Great! I love the fabric you used! Very nice.

  9. Sending healing thoughts to you both! I started using pillow covers a few years ago and I did find it was so much better than swapping out actual pillows. The fabric you picked to make your covers is just beautiful and thanks for the easy to follow tutorial. Pinned.

    1. Thank you so much, Joanne. We go back to the surgeon today. Pillow covers are so much easier to deal with than pillows - thanks for the pin!

  10. Hi Ann, well this post has been enlightening, first the floaters and how dangerous it can be.
    And pillows are so expensive, from $17. to upwards of $100 of dollars or more, thats like buying art that has value. I love the idea of pillow covers and you make it look so simple, I thought I was going to have to tackle zippers, now I will give it a try.

    Thank you for sharing on omhgww I've always enjoyed your DIY ideas.
    Sending positive healthy thoughts your way! <3

    1. That's for sure, Karren. Literally, 'in the blink of an eye' everything can change!
      Pillows ARE expensive and I think this is such a great way to have lots of them without all the bulky pillows to store. Stick with me, Karren. I find the easiest way to do things - no zippers if I can help it!
      Hope all is well with you.....

  11. I really love the patterns you have for the pillow case and for sure thank you so much for the tips and tricks. I have chosen this post to be featured on #OMHGWW weekly party as well

    1. Thank you so much for the feature. I'm always happy to share any tips I discover!

  12. Glad you all are recovering! Pillow covers are a great idea and a great way to change up the decor a little bit. Thanks for sharing with us at Creatively Crafty #ccbg :)

  13. They're adorable! I hope that you and your hubby heal soon. I've torn a piece of my cornea off, which isn't fun (totally my fault; left contacts in too long), so I cannot imagine what he's going through! My prayers are going up for both of you. Thanks for sharing with us on Crafty Creators!
    Niki ~ Life as a LEO Wife

    1. Thanks, Niki. Tore off part of your cornea? Ouch! We've definitely been going through some 'stuff' lately....anxiously waiting for it to calm down!

  14. I sew my pillows nearly the same as you Ann. The blue fabric is so pretty.
    You have had a hard week! I hope it gets better and both you an your hubby heal up :)

    Thanks for sharing at the FWF link party

    1. Thank you, Rachelle. It's been quite a couple of weeks and I'm looking forward to having things calm down. Hope all is well with you!

  15. Wonderful tutorial! I am just preparing to sew some new pillows, and I'm going to follow your tutorial for them. I've pinned it for future reference--thank you!

    Thanks so much for joining the Grace at Home party at Imparting Grace. I'm featuring you this week. And I hope that everyone at your house is completely healed very soon.

    1. Thank you, Richella. They are so easy to make! Thank you for the feature - it's truly appreciated.

  16. Beautiful pillow and I love the pattern. Thanks for sharing it at You're The Star Blog Hop.
    Decor Craft Design


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