This & That: End of Summer 2020

Summer 2020 will soon come to a close and, let's face it, like the beginning of the year, it's one for the record books. Yard Sales and Estate Sales have been sporadic, but I have managed to find some treasures. Let's start with them..... My 'Fairy Godmother' started me off in May with Yard Sale Finds Without the Yard Sale and a few of those projects have already appeared: The Oak Footstool The Chair Table Gossip Bench Makeover What Do You Do With a Legless Chair? And there are more projects to come from that haul, so stay tuned! But my Fairy Godmother's generosity did not end there. In July, I found this mirror on my front porch: I'm currently working on it and you won't believe the story behind it. It should be done soon and there will be a new post about it. I saw this silverware box listed on a garage sale site and got it for $5. The outside of the box has some damage, but it will be fixed and the box repurposed. Sinc...