End of Summer Garden

It's the last day of August and the beginning of Labor Day Weekend.  Sadly, that means Summer is coming to a close.  The gardens at the Cottage have come a long way in one short year.  We started with nothing and this year, we had flowers, herbs. and vegetables.  Feel free to click HERE to see the gardens in June.  So many things were in full bloom that are not included in this post.  
This year I started hollyhocks from seed.  I didn't expect them to flower this year, but they surprised me with one of my favorite colors:
I just love the two-toned pink!
The plants are at least 5 feet tall and are filled with flowers and buds.
They are so large, that my Mr. Lincoln Rose Bush was crowded out.  Even so, there are several buds that are getting ready to bloom:
Next Spring, Mr. Lincoln will be moved to a less-crowded spot. 
The sunflowers have taken center-stage this month.  They are all at least 10-feet tall and gorgeous!
I love how the sun is shining through these beauties:
And we have the happiest bunch of bees ever!
Not to be out-done by the flowers, the vegetable garden is doing quite well.  We have a bumper crop of tomatoes....all going in the freezer:
The green beans are growing up the side of the porch and it's so convenient to pick them right from the porch!
It looks like this pumpkin should be ready in time for Halloween:
You can see from this picture that the powdery mildew took center stage this year. I fought long and hard, but, in the end, the rainy, humid weather helped it win.  In spite of that, we still harvested lots of cucumbers and zucchini.  The cucumbers were made into pickles and it was a real treat to have this for dinner the other night:
Bruschetta Chicken Zoodle Bowls can be found on my Pinterest board HERE. The tomatoes, zucchini, and basil all came from the gardens.
The first year of real gardening comes to a close.  Next year I will make some changes to make better use of space and provide better environments for some plants. I can't wait for next spring now!  
Thank you for stopping by the Cottage.  I hope you have a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend!

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Home and Garden Thursday


  1. Beautiful garden! Ours is looking pretty sad with our intense summer heat. I'm ready for fall weather.

    1. Thank you, Sarah. My tomatoes, beans, peppers, and zucchini are still producing. I love fall, but I'm not ready yet!

  2. Beautiful pics from your garden and love all your bounty.....

    1. Thank you, Nellie. I love my gardens and hate to see them go for the season. At least there's next year!

  3. Your flowers and vegetables all look great!! Fall is my favorite Season so I am really welcoming Fall!

    1. I'm so thrilled they're still hangin' in there! I love Fall too, but Summer seems to be shorter every year!

  4. Everything is so beautiful! I absolutely adore your hollyhocks! Thanks so much for sharing your garden on Farm Fresh Tuesdays!

    1. Thank you, Lisa. The hollyhocks really surprised me this year...I love them too!

  5. Your garden is beautiful, Ann. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

    1. Thank you, Cecilia. I'm hanging on to it for as long as I can!


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