Grapevine Wreaths for the Kitchen

Welcome back! A few weeks ago I promised to share the details for the grapevine wreaths on my kitchen cabinets. They are easy to make, you just make a circle and start twisting them together. If you'd like to see how to get them started, click HERE for the post I did last Spring. The weather was warmer when I started them and, you'll notice that some of the vines are still green. That makes it much easier to bend and wrap them. Be aware though, that those vines will shrink a bit as they dry and you may need to add more to them later on. Since they grow wild around here that's no problem. To hang them on the cabinets, I measured a length of fishing line and looped it through the wreath. I tied a knot and used a lighter to burn the ends. That keeps the fishing line from slipping. Once that was done, the fishing line was hung on the inside, top of the door on a pushpin. I like this method, because it's invi...