
Showing posts from October, 2024

This & That October 2024

  I just looked back and let me tell you, it's been a while!  There is SO much to share I hardly know where to begin!  It's going to be a long one so sit back and pour yourself your favorite beverage.  You don't want to miss a thing! Hello October - the leaves are turning their beautiful shades of red, orange, and yellow, yet the temperatures are still mild.  Believe me, I don't mind at all since winter is that one season that seems to go on forever!   But, before we get to October, let's go back to the beginning of Summer.... This post may contain affiliate links. Yard Sale Season was in full swing.  If you missed this post , here's a sneak peek at my finds: June had the BEST ending!  My blogging friend Kim came for a visit!  We've been friends for several years, chatting via messages and video chats but we've never been in the same room together.  She and her husband were vacationing nearby and we met for dinner.  Our husbands hit it off immediately an