This & That Spring 2023

A 'This & That' post is long overdue around here. Spring has finally arrived...I think! A couple of weeks ago it was Summer with temps in the 70s and 80's. It resulted in a few visits to the pond for walks. The flowers were beautiful. People were walking their dogs, fishing and just enjoying the weather! With the great weather we decided to also do some cleaning in the storage unit. We sorted. We organized. We tossed. It felt sooo good! I took these little beauties off a rocking chair that is waiting for a make-over. They are really heavy-duty and I'm going to need big muscles to bend those ends! I guess I have some projects in my future. I don't have any specific plans so I'm open to suggestions! Then it cooled down. Not winter coat cool, but cool enough to need long sleeves and a light jacket. So, I pulled this out: Pretty awful, huh? I found it on Marketp...