Heart Pillows

Everywhere you look, Valentine's Day projects are in full-swing. Personally, I've never done a lot of decorating for this holiday, but I had some vintage fabric that was begging to be used and I was inspired. First, I cut a pattern and grabbed some fabric. The first heart pillow was made using pieces of an old wedding gown I had bought for $2 many years ago. My daughter loved to play 'Dress-Up' and it was just perfect for her. After she outgrew it, I cut some of the satin, lace, and buttons and tucked them away. Those beautiful buttons were going to be a part of this pillow. After folding under the edges, they were pinned to one of the heart pieces. After they were sewn on, the two pieces of satin were pinned together. I used LOTS of pins because satin fabric is very slippery! Sewn and turned. Time for stuffing: The opening was stitched closed and it was done. But I really wasn't happy with it. I didn't care for the gap. So I ...