Wine Bottle Upcycle

I don't know about you, but, once in a while I see a wine bottle that has potential. Sometimes it's the shape, sometimes it's the color. With this one, it was the finish. It had a nice 'brushed' finish and I immediately knew what I wanted to do with it. The great thing about this one was the label. It completely came off after soaking for a few minutes in hot water. There was no need for the peanut butter trick ! Once the label was off, I grabbed the jute twine and some E6000. The neck of the bottle was given a thin coat of glue and the twine was wrapped around it. I bought some burlap ribbon from the dollar store a while ago, had no idea what to do with it, but knew it would be used at some point in time. Since I only needed a small piece for this project, I've got lots left for something else......Winning! That's right, 9 feet for a dollar. How's that for a bargain? A dot of glue was added to the center of th...