Not Quite What I Planned...

Today's post is a bit different, due to plans changing. I had a wonderful project to share and wasn't quite done with the post when I turned the wrong way. I pulled a muscle in my back and it hurts to take a deep breath and move. So, here I am with my muscle relaxers, an ice pack, and ibuprofen...not quite what I planned. I promise to be back next week, but in the meantime, allow me to tell you how touched I am by everyone who stops by. This blog was started three years ago to tell the story of our little house and so much has happened since, painting, projects...the list goes on and on. The most exciting thing was that people actually read the posts and left me comments! How about that? I know I'll never be famous with thousands of followers, but I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate every pin, share, and comment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! That being said, I need another ice pack...see yo...