The Unexpectedly Wonderful Day

Every once in a while, you have an experience that absolutely astounds you and restores your faith in humanity. On Saturday, my husband and I had one of those experiences. It was the perfect summer day, sunny, temperatures in the 70's, and low humidity. There was a garage sale I was interested in and we didn't manage to get there until after 2:00 in the afternoon. The man who owned the house was very friendly and we struck up a conversation. I commented on the beautiful view of the lake and he invited us to go around to his deck and enjoy it. We said we didn't want to impose, but he insisted and the next thing we knew we were sitting on the deck chatting like we'd known each other for years. We introduced ourselves - his name is Gene and he told us that his house once belonged to his mother and was very tiny. Over the years, he added on to it using wood and rock from the property until it became what it is today - a 5 bedroom, 2 bath...