
Showing posts from March, 2017

Spring Break...

at least that's what I'm calling it.  Have a great week - I'll be back soon!

Springtime Ladybug!

In honor of the first day of Spring, here is a little ladybug to brighten your day!   I had some wood scraps left-over from last Fall and decided I better use them.  The first thing I did was draw a pattern and cut it out of an old cereal box. The pattern was traced on the wood and cut out with my trusty jig saw. After drilling a hole for the antennae and smoothing the edges with sandpaper, the ladybug was ready for paint.  The edges were distressed and a little antique-medium was rubbed on.  I curled two pieces of black wire and put them in the drilled hole with a little glue.  The ladybug was done! I think it's perfect for the kitchen window, don't you? Thanks for stopping by...I hope you'll share, pin, and comment...I loooove comments!  Have a great week and Happy First Day of Spring!

All-Natural Oven Cleaner That Really Works!

Yes, I know, I'm supposed to be packing.  I am, but I   can't stand the smell of oven cleaner and the  ovens REALLY needed cleaning before moving out.  Take a look: Yeah, proud housekeeping moment, right? I searched the internet for options and here's what I ended up with: Here's how you do it: Get some vinegar, baking soda, and salt. Mix 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water in a spray bottle. After removing the racks, spray the interior of the oven with the vinegar/water mixture. Then sprinkle it with baking soda and salt.  I didn't measure, I just threw it around!  I'm precise, like that!  šŸ˜ Spray it lightly again and close the door for 2 hours.   This is what it looked like: After 2 hours I took my blue plastic scrubbie (sorry, I forgot to take a picture of it) and lightly scrubbed the oven surface.  Believe me, I do mean lightly - I don't scrub anything if I can help it! Remember the fence? The result w...

The Cottage Is Sold!

You may remember, several weeks ago, I mentioned some 'Big News".  Well, here it is...we sold the Cottage.  We didn't plan it, it just happened, really!  Are you ready for the story? Last July I was sitting in the front yard weeding the flower beds, when a car drove by a few times and finally stopped.  The woman asked me if I knew anything about the house next door.  It had a FSBO sign with no contact information.  I told her the only thing I knew was that it was a 3-bedroom house and the owners were rarely home. We continued to chat about houses, etc. when I told her that my husband always says for the right price, you can have ours!  She thought I was kidding and I informed her that I wasn't.  My husband heard us talking and came out on the porch to join in the conversation. We chatted for a while and just 'hit it off'. Finally, we asked if she'd like to see the house.  She said she would. After being in the house for about five minut...