Frankenstein & His Bride

Halloween will be here in a couple of days and if you need a quick craft - I've got you covered! This was another of my "Spur Of The Moment" ideas. I was working on a Christmas craft (that I'll share soon) using paint stirrers. This part of the paint stirrer was actually 'scrap' from the other project, but I hated to waste it, so, I grabbed some paint and got to work. This shade of green wasn't my first choice, but, since this project was 'spur of the moment', and I wasn't running to the store, I couldn't be picky. After the green paint dried, I painted some black hair and glued on two eyes. With a sharpie, a nose, mouth, and some scars were added. On the 'Bride' some red lips and white streaks completed her look. So what do you do with them? Add a magnet to the back and you have a new refrigerator magnet, or, glue a pin on the back and wear it on your jacket. This would also be a great project to do ...