Ribbon Holder

As soon as I saw this plinth sitting on a table at a yard sale, I knew exactly what it was destined to become - A Ribbon Holder! Trust me, I don't always have this much clarity when shopping, but this time I did! The price was definitely right, so it came home with me. W elcome to the 'Do It Over' Designers blog hop. We are a group of bloggers who love to recycle/upcycle/DIY. I'm happy to host this hop and I hope you'll visit everyone to see what they have to share with you. Their links will be listed at the end of this post. Back to the project... A little measuring with spools of ribbon showed me I could get 4 dowels on this plinth with ease. I bought 4 dowels: a 1/2", a 3/8", and two 5/16" and marked the spots with pencil before drilling the holes. Sorry, no pic. I haven't mastered drilling and taking photos at the same time yet! The reason for the different sized dowels was based on the holes in the spoo...