Upcycled Brooch

Today I am joining a group of very talented bloggers for the Pinterest Challenge. As you may already know I'm an avid upcycler, so when I heard that the theme for April was 'Eco-Friendly' I knew I was in! The purpose of this challenge is not just to pin ideas, but make them happen. Let's get started..... I took a look through my pins and was inspired by The Shabby Tree's DIY Brooch . I knew I had vintage lace, ribbon, doilies, and who could forget all that vintage jewelry from an estate sale last Fall? Let's just say I was 'well-supplied'! My Cricut Maker made short work of creating two felt circles for the base. Once they were cut, I grabbed my supplies - a small doily, ribbons, an earring, and a pin back. I also used a bit of vintage lace that didn't get in this photo. The earring I chose was a pierced earring. There was a reason and you'll see what is was as you continue reading. First, the doily was glued to one of the felt circ...