Christmas Through the House

It's almost here and I finally got the house decorated for Christmas. For whatever reason, it was a slow process this year, but it's done. Here's a peek: The stairs have been decorated with garland, gold ribbon, and these beautiful blue poinsettias that I found last year at Michael's: There's no fireplace or mantle here, so my Lenox Santa sits poised on top of the china cabinet surrounded by garland, red and gold Christmas bulbs, and pinecones: My grapevine wreaths have been decorated for the holidays: This little paper house was made several years ago, but it still comes out every year. The top comes off, so it's actually a box: We call our tree the "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree". We bought it several years ago for $20 at Walgreen's. It looks so humble when it comes out of the box, but when the lights and ornaments are added it's beautiful. This is not a themed tree. It is not flocked. It doesn't have a high ti...