I Did It Again!

Yes, another dresser has been transformed by decoupage. I found this one on a garage sale site and it was not in the best of shape: So, out came the sander and what did I find? Poplar, not the best wood. In case you missed it the last time... Poplar is and inexpensive hardwood. The tell-tale green tint gives it away. It is usually painted because poplar is notorious for being 'blotchy' when stained. If you'd like to see the last poplar dresser I found, you can click HERE . I began this project with new napkins. That's right, the drawers are done with napkins. I have a full tutorial HERE . In the interest of full-disclosure, this dresser started out with pink paint but it fought me every inch of the way. The final result was this chocolatey (that's a word, right?) brown with the pink showing through the distressing. I made sure to paint the edges of the drawers to give it a 'finished' look. All in all, I'm p...